Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Introducing "Carter"

The last kid of the 2008 kidding season has officially hit the ground as of Sunday June 1st.

She is for the moment, un-named(as I don't get to name her *sighs*). I however have to have SOMETHING to refer to her as. So I have dubbed her Carter. She is constantly babbling(aka crying, and fussing) over something.

Frankly all I hear is 'maaaah, maaaaaaaaah! mah!' all frickin day long. If I still had my sling I'd be doing the following with her:

IMG_0513  IMG_0514

Takes baby wearing to a WHOLE new level!

But sadly I gave away the kicking awesome sling to a friend of mine who had a baby and refuse to spend money on one for GOATS.

Since this post is already quite long and wordy, we'll get to the REAL reason your here. The kid.

6-3-08 001 

Carter was a single kid hence the lonely look


6-3-08 002

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6-3-08 006

Carter weighed in at about 6 lbs which was surprising because she was a single, and singles usually weigh a wee bit more than say twins or triplets.  


KG said...

What a cutie - I have to say, baby animals inspire a sort of desire to cuddle in me. Well, ok, babies of ANY kind inspire a desire to cuddle in me.

Unknown said...

Love, love, love this pretty baby! Congratulations on making it to the end of the kidding season. Sounds like something to do with April fools day - doesn't it? Keep posting the pictures, they make me smile!

Anonymous said...

Lovely color, very cute goat :)