Thursday, February 5, 2009

Where has the week gone?

I don’t know about you but for me this week has just flown by.  Monday was pretty much a waste as I was still dead on my feet from Saturday and then today I was talking to my dad and he was asking about my plans for tomorrow night. When I told him I didn’t have any he kindly reminded me that it was the first Friday and that I’d mentioned we had our parenting group.  That made me realize that it was *gasp* Thursday and I didn’t even do ANYTHING productive this week.


I think that I decided that in April I will be going to Vancouver for a ‘me weekend’ and going to the Con up there even if no one really likes it because darn it, I deserve to have some fun.

Was hired today by my Uncle to do some warehouse work for him, and I now get to spend the next month and a half learning all about Fishing reels, rods, crab traps and assorted other sporting goods- ought to be a fun time.

Got CanadiTom some new voices and maps and am now(fruitlessly) trying to convince him that I really do live at my house. He seems to think that I have moved since I re-taught him my address this morning.  Though he now has some fun new voices(a new Canadian, and Darth Vader among them).

I’ve spent a lot of time lately playing with the camera and taking just a million shots so that I can improve my familiarity with it…

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